










2016.07-至今    37000.cσm威尼斯 37000.cσm威尼斯 副教授,博导

2017.09-2018.09  美国西北大学 化学系 访问学者 (合作导师 Kenneth R.   Poeppelmeier

 2013.04-2016.04 福耀玻璃工业集团股份有限公司&37000.cσm威尼斯 博士后

2012.09-2016.07  37000.cσm威尼斯 37000.cσm威尼斯 讲师

2007.08-2012.07  中国科学院福建物质结构研究所  物理化学  理学博士

2003.08-2007.07  合肥工业大学   材料物理  理学学士



ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Omega, ACS   Applied Electronic Materials, Scientific Report, Materials Chemistry and   Physics等期刊审稿专家  












1. 基于双金属协同作用的微结构与光谱学性能双可调超快激光晶体研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目号51972061,实施时间2020—2023年;

2. 封接玻璃的刚/柔转变实质及其微观结构的调控。国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目号51672045,实施时间2017—2020年;

2.Yb3+, Ca2+双掺硼硅酸盐激光晶体的研究。国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目号61308085,实施时间2014—2016年;
  3. Yb3+:ReMoO4(Re=Mg, Sr)系列晶体的生长、光谱学及激光性能研究。福建省自然科学基金,面上项目。项目号2017J01746。实施时间 2017—2019年;

4. 多孔光功能材料的吸附及环境污染探测性能研究。福建省教育厅科技项目,项目号JK15001,实施时间 2015—2017年。

5. 汽车玻璃抬头显示关键材料及装置研究。福清市区域科技重大项目,实施时间2013-2014年。


1, Fei   Zheng, Shijia Sun, Yuanquan Feng, Huilin Kong, Chao Dou, Shakir Ullah, Jie   Tang, Lingyun Li*, Bing   Teng*, Degao Zhong*. Yb:Ca9Gd(VO4)7, a potential ultrafast pulse laser crystal   with promising spectral properties. Journal   of Luminescence, 221, 2020, 117085;

2. G.Q. Wang*, B.W. Liu, Y.P.   Lin, Y. Shi, R. Ye, L.Y. Li*.   Color-tunable upconversion luminescence in novel lanthanum borogermanates for   optical thermometry application. Journal of Alloys and   Compounds, 826, 2020, 153274;

3. Wenting Chen, Lingyun Li*, Xin-Xiong Li*, Li-Dan Lin, Guoqiang Wang, Zhen Zhang, Liuyi Li, Yan Yu*.   Layered rare earth−organic framework as highly efficient luminescent matrix:   the crystal structure, optical spectroscopy, electronic transition, and   luminescent sensing properties. Crsytal   Growth & Design, 19, 2019, 4754−4764;

4. G.Q. Wang*,   Y.P. Lin, R. Ye, Y.N. Feng, L.Y. Li*.   Pr3+ and Tb3+ coactivated Na5Gd(WO4)4 showing tunable luminescence with high   thermostability via modulation of excitation and temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 779,   2019, 41-48;

3. G.Q. Wang*, Y.P. Lin, Y.N. Feng, L.Y. Li*. Environmentally friendly   growth of fluoride crystal LiYF4: Pr3+ with broadband near-infrared emission   from 1D2 manifolds. Journal of Crystal Growth,   520, 2019, 27–32;

4, Zhi-Feng Yang,   Ling-Yun Li*, Chien-Te Hsiehb**,   Ruey-Shin Juang***, Yasser Ashraf Gandomi. Fabrication of magnetic iron   Oxide@Graphene composites for adsorption of copper ions from aqueous   solutions. Materials Chemistry and   Physics, 219, 2018, 30–39;

5, Jianfu Pan, Kailing Zhong, Zhen Zhang,   Wenting Chen, Yanping Lin, Guoqiang Wang, Lingyun Li*, Yan Yu. Using CaF2:Eu3+ powder as a luminescent probe to   detect Cr2O72- ions: a new application on   the environmental conservation of an old optical material. Optical   Materials Express, 8, 2018, 332864.

6, Lizhen Zhang,   Hui Wu, Yanping Lin, Feifei Yuan, Yisheng, Huang, Shijia Sun, Bing   Teng, Lingyun Li* and Zhoubin Lin*. From Sr2Nb2O7 to   CaxSr2-xNb2O7: an effective enhancement of nonlinear optical activity by a   simple way of cation substituting. Crystal Growth & Design, 18,   2018, 4140-4149.

7, Guoqiang   Wang*, Lingyun Li*, Yanan Feng, Han Yu and Xinghua Zheng.Tb3+ and Yb3+ Doped Novel KBaLu(MoO4)3 Crystals with a Disorder Chained   Structure Showing Down- and Up-conversion luminescence. CrystEngComm.20,2018,3657-3665;

8, Zhi-Feng Yang, Ling-Yun   Li*, Chien-Te Hsieh*, Ruey-Shin Juang*.   Co-precipitation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles onto carbon nanotubes for   removal of copper ions from aqueous solution. Journal of the Taiwan   Institute of Chemical Engineers. 82, 2018, 56-63;

9, Lingyun   Li*, Yanping Lin, Lizhen Zhang, Qiuchan Cai, Yan Yu*.   Flux Exploration, Growth, and Optical Spectroscopic Properties of Large Size   LaBSiO5 and Eu3+-Substituted LaBSiO5 Crystals. Crystal Growth &   Design.17,2017,6541-6549;

10, GAO Han,   ZHANG Xiao-Bin, CHEN Wen-Ting, YANG  Zhi-Feng, PAN Jian-Fu,  LI   Ling-Yun*, YU Yan*. Optical Spectroscopic Properties of   Yb3+-Doped MgMoO4 Crystal Grown by the TSSG Method. Chinese   Journal of Structural Chemistry. 36,2017,631-639;

11, Lizhen Zhang,   Weidong Chen, Jieling Lu, Haifeng Lin, Lingyun Li, Guofu Wang, Ge   Zhang and Zhoubin Lin*. Characterization of growth, optical   properties, and laser performance of monoclinic Yb:MgWO4 crystal. Optical   Materials Express. 6, 2016, 1627-1634;

12, PAN   Jian-Fu, LI Ling-Yun*, YU Yan*, ZHANG Li-Zhen, WANG   Guo-Fu. Crystal Growth, Spectroscopic Properties and Energy Levels of Cr3+:Li2Mg2(MoO4)3Chinese   Journal of Structural Chemistry. 34, 2015, 1927-1934;

13, Lizhen Sun,   Jianfu Pan, Xiaobin Zhang, Heng Wang, Lingyun Li* and Yan Yu*.   Synthesis, morphology and spectroscopic properties of red-luminescent   rhombohedral YOF: Yb3+, Er3+ powders. RSC Advances. 5, 2015,   77673-77681.

14, Lizhen Zhang, Lingyun   Li, Yisheng Huang, Shijia Sun, Zhoubin Lin and Guofu Wang*.   Growth, spectral property and crystal field analysis of Cr3+-doped   Na2Mg5(MoO4)(6) crystal. Optical Materials. 49, 2015, 75-78;

15, Lingyun   Li*, Yan Yu, Guofu Wang* and Lizhen Zhang.   Cystal   growth, spectroscopic properties and energy levels of   Cr3+:Li2Mg2(WO4)3: a candidate for broadband laser application. RSC   Advances. 4,2014,37041-37046.

16, Yan Yu, Lingyun   Li, Zhoubin Lin and Guofu Wang*. Crystal growth, spectral   properties of a nonlinear optical crystal α-LaBMoO6, CrystEngComm. 15(26),   2013, 5245-5249.

17, Lingyun   Li*, Yan Yu, Guofu Wang*, Lizhen Zhang and Zhoubin   Lin.   Crystal growth, spectral properties and crystal field analysis of   Cr3+:MgWO4, CrystEngComm. 15, 2013, 6083-6089.

18, Lingyun   Li, Yisheng Huang, Lizhen Zhang, Zhoubin Lin and Guofu   Wang.   Growth, mechanical, thermal and spectral properties of Cr3+:MgMoO4 crystal, PLoS   ONE.7, 2012, e30327.

19,Lingyun Li,   Guojian Wang, Yisheng Huang, Lizhen Zhang ,   Zhoubin Lin and Guofu   Wang. Crystal growth and spectral properties of Nd3+:Ca9Gd(VO4)7   crystal, Journal of Crystal Growth.314, 2011, 331–335.

20, Lingyun   Li, Guojian Wang, Yisheng Huang,   Lizhen Zhang, Zhoubin Lin and   Guofu Wang. Growth and spectral properties of NaNd(MoO4)2 crystalMaterial Research Innovations.152011, 279-282.




3. 李凌云,潘坚福,于岩,孙李珍。 一种稀土离子掺杂氟化钇绿色上转换荧光材料的制备方法, 中国专利,ZL201510245985.9, 2016年授权;


5,李凌云,孙李珍,于岩,陈雯婷。聚丙烯酸改性的椭球状单分散NaGdF4:Yb3+,Er3+上转换荧光粉。中国专利,ZL201510572706.X,   2017年授权;


7. 李凌云,周忠华等。 一种可发光的夹层玻璃, 中国专利,ZL201510873843.7,2017年授权

8,李凌云,孙李珍,于岩,潘坚福,徐晓富。一种有机-无机复合上转换光致发光薄膜及其制备方法。中国专利,ZL201510383824.6, 2018年授权

9,李凌云,王国强,于岩,潘坚福,杨志锋。   一种用于生长钼酸锶晶体的方法。中国专利,ZL201710991667.6,2019年授权

