报告题目:Publishing in Chem from Cell Press
报 告人 :廖凤麟 博士(Dr Fenglin Liao)
Associate Editor of Chem, Cell Press
BA in Chemistry, Wuhan University
PhD in inorganic Chemistry, University of Oxford
Postdoctoral Studies, University of Oxford
Abstract of the talk
Chem is the first chemistry journal from Cell Press and sister journal to Cell. It is launched to publish high-profile papers in general chemistry subject and provides a home for insightful/game changing research for potential solutions to the global challenges of tomorrow. The scopes of Chem is strongly connected to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). As the premier journal of Cell Press as well as Cell, Chem is devoted to contribute positive impact of chemistry on society and targeting to be one of the leading journals in Chemistry.
Useful Information
Website: http://www.cell.com/chem/home
Email: Fliao@cell.com (Dr. Fenglin Liao)
Chem是Cell Press最新推出的综合性化学期刊,目前已经出版15期。作为Cell的第一份自然科学类姐妹刊,Chem致力于推广化学及其交叉领域的创造性突破,刊发旨在解决全球性挑战的应用和基础研究论文。
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