

报告题目:ICME Approach to Design and Control of Novel Microstructure for Metals and Alloys





In this presentation, the capability of the integrated CALPHAD and phase field modeling with critical experiments in the design and control of novel microstructure in metals and alloys, will be demonstrated through its application in

1) Enabling large superalloy parts using compact co-precipitation of  and  in IN718 alloys;


2) Design and formation mechanism of self-organized core/shell and core/shell/corona structure composite powder in immiscible liquid system;

3) Exploring a newly discovered, non-conventional, solid-solid phase transformation pathway based on the so-called pseudo-spinodal mechanism that offers a new design strategy for titanium-alloys (Ti-alloys) with extremely fine and uniform microstructures that could potentially have highly attractive balances of mechanical properties;

4) Exploring the physical origins leading to the variant selection (preferential selection of a subset of all twelve orientation variants) that occurs frequently during the  transformation in response to microstructural, temperature and stress fields, spanning several length scales, ranging from subgrains to the polycrystalline

aggregate, experienced during heat treatment alone and thermal me chanical processing of Ti-alloys



施荣沛,男,1982年7月出生,毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学,现在俄亥俄州立大学材料科学与工程系担任助理研究员。围绕材料微观组织、与性能研究,在先进结构和功能材料、计算材料学等领域取得了一系列重要进展,已在国际著名期刊上发表论文30余篇(含16篇Acta Materialia (6篇一作)),并在最新出版的美国金属学会《金属手册》(ASM Handbook, Vol.4E)上撰写关于钛合金组织演变模拟的专文。被SCI引用336次, H-index为11。获得以下荣誉:

1.  2017.6-2019.5, 德国洪堡学者(马克思普朗克钢铁研究所)

2.  2015年第七届国际相变大会“International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations In inorganic Materials(PTM)”, Aaronson 青年科学家奖

3. 2013年,Gordon Research Conference, Physical Metallurgy, Best Poster Award (最佳墙报奖)  

4. 2007年全国博士生学术论坛——材料科学与工程学科优秀论文一等奖