




材料学, 材料物理化学,材料加工


E-mail niancaicheng@fzu.edu.cn



2016.11-至今, 37000.cσm威尼斯,37000.cσm威尼斯,闽江学者特聘教授  

2012.06-2016.09 加拿大西安大略大学 博士后 合作导师:孙学良院士

2011.03-2012.02 美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校    博士后    合作导师:Andrzej    Wieckowski教授

2008.10-2009.09     英国巴斯大学 博士联合培养 导师: Frank Marken教授        

2007.09-2010.06 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室    博士, 导师:潘牧教授

2004.09-2007.06    武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室 硕士 导师:木士春教授

1999.09-2003.06    武汉理工大学37000.cσm威尼斯 本科









1. 质子交换膜燃料电池(Proton exchange membrane fuel cell, PEMFC)关键材料



  3)产业化 Pt/CPt-M/C催化剂。

2. 电催化制氢(Hydrogen   evolution reaction, HER



3. -硫电池关键材料



4.  原子层沉积技术(atomic   layer deposition,   ALD)在新能源材料中的应用。



1.      Z.   Wang, S. Chen, W. Wu, R. Chen, Y. Zhu, H. Jiang, L. Yu, N. Cheng*,   Tailored Lattice Compressive Strain of Pt-Skins by the L12-Pt3M   Intermetallic Core for Highly Efficient Oxygen Reduction, Advanced   Materials, 35 (2023) 2301310.

2.      R.   Chen, Z. Wang, S. Chen, W. Wu, Y. Zhu, J. Zhong*, N. Cheng*,   Activating Lattice Oxygen in Spinel Oxides via Engineering Octahedral Sites   for Oxygen Evolution, ACS Energy Letters, 8 (2023)   3504-3511.

3.      Y.   Tan, Z. Zhang, W. Wu, S. Chen, W. Chen, N. Cheng, Breaking Volmer step   limitation on NiO/PtNi heterojunctions via ATO-induced charge injection and   interfacial modulation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 331   (2023) 122684.

4.      W.   Wu, R. Chen, S. Chen, Z. Wang, N. Cheng*, Optimizing d-Orbital   Electronic Configuration via Metal-Metal Oxide Core-Shell Charge Donation for   Boosting Reversible Oxygen Electrocatalysis, Small, 19 (2023)   e2300621.

5.      F.   Guo, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, Y. Tan, W. Wu, Z. Wang, T. Zeng, W. Zhu, C. Lin, N.   Cheng*, Dual roles of sub-nanometer NiO in alkaline hydrogen   evolution reaction: breaking the Volmer limitation and optimizing d-orbital   electronic configuration, Materials Horizons, 10 (2023)   2913-2920.

6.      M.   Zheng, J. Zhao, W. Wu, R. Chen, S. Chen, N. Cheng*, Co/CoS2   Heterojunction Embedded in N, S-Doped Hollow Nanocage for Enhanced   Polysulfides Conversion in High-Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Small,   n/a (2023) 2303192;DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202303192

7.       H.   Chen, W. Wu, S. Chen, Z. Wang, R. Chen, N. Cheng*, Tailoring   the d-band center of porous CoS2 nanospheres via low-electronegative Fe for   weakened OH* adsorption and boosted oxygen evolution, Inorg Chem Front,   (2023). DOIhttps://doi.org/ 10.1039/D3QI00902E

8.      Y.   Tan, Z. Zhang, Z. Lei, L. Yu, W. Wu, Z. Wang, N. Cheng*,   Electronic modulation optimizes OH* intermediate adsorption on Co-Nx-C sites   via coupling CoNi alloy in hollow carbon nanopolyhedron toward efficient   reversible oxygen electrocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,   304 (2022) 121006.

9.      R.   Chen, Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, W. Wu, S. Du, W. Zhu, H. Lv, N. Cheng*,   Constructing Air-Stable and Reconstruction-Inhibited Transition Metal Sulfide   Catalysts via Tailoring Electron-Deficient Distribution for Water Oxidation, ACS   Catalysis, 12 (2022) 13234-13246.

10. Y. Wang, W. Wu, R.   Chen, C. Lin, S. Mu, N. Cheng*, Reduced water dissociation   barrier on constructing Pt-Co/CoOx interface for alkaline hydrogen evolution,   Nano Research, 15 (2022) 4958-4964.

11. Y. Lai, Z. Zhang, Z.   Zhang, Y. Tan, L. Yu, W. Wu, Z. Wang, T. Jiang, S. Gao, N. Cheng*,   Electronic modulation of Pt nanoclusters through tuning the interface of   Pt-SnO2 clusters for enhanced hydrogen evolution catalysis, Chem   Eng J, 435 (2022) 135102.

12. T. Jiang, L. Yu, Z.   Zhao, W. Wu, Z. Wang, N. Cheng*, Regulating the intermediate   affinity on Pd nanoparticles through the control of inserted-B atoms for   alkaline hydrogen evolution, Chem Eng J, 433 (2022)   133525.

13. Tan, Y.;Zhu, W.;Zhang,   Z.;Wu, W.;Chen, R.;Mu, S.;Lv, H.; N. Cheng*. Electronic tuning of   confined sub-nanometer cobalt oxide clusters boosting oxygen catalysis and   rechargeable Zn–air batteries. Nano Energy 2021, 83,   105813.

14. Lei, Z.;Tan, Y.   Y.;Zhang, Z. Y.;Wu, W.;   N. Cheng*;Chen,   R. Z.;Mu, S. C.; Sun, X. L. Defects enriched hollow porous Co-N-doped carbons   embedded with ultrafine CoFe/Co nanoparticles as bifunctional oxygen   electrocatalyst for rechargeable flexible solid zinc-air batteries. Nano   Res 2021, 14, 868-878.

15. Zhang, Z. Y.;Tan, Y.   Y.;Zeng, T.;Yu, L. Y.;Chen, R. Z.; N. Cheng*;Mu, S. C.; Sun, X. L.   Tuning the dual-active sites of ZIF-67 derived porous nanomaterials for   boosting oxygen catalysis and rechargeable Zn-air batteries. Nano Res   2021, 10.1007/s12274-020-3234-6.

16. Guo, F.;Zou, Z.;Zhang,   Z.;Zeng, T.;Tan, Y.;Chen, R.;Wu, W.; N. Cheng* ;Sun, X. Confined   sub-nanometer PtCo clusters as a highly efficient and robust electrocatalyst   for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A   2021, 9, 5468-5474.

17. L. Wang, W. Wu, Z.   Lei, T. Zeng, Y. Tan, N. Cheng* and X. Sun, High-performance   alcohol electrooxidation on Pt3Sn–SnO2 nanocatalysts   synthesized through the transformation of Pt–Sn nanoparticles,Journal   of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 592-598.

18. W. Wu, Z. Zhang, Z.   Lei, X. Wang, Y. Tan, N. Cheng* and X. Sun, Encapsulating Pt   Nanoparticles inside a Derived 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks for the   Enhancement of Catalytic Activity. Acs Appl Mater Inter, 2020,   12, 10359-10368.

19. W. Chen, Z. Lei, T.   Zeng, L. Wang, N. Cheng*, Y. Tan and S. Mu, Structurally   ordered PtSn intermetallic nanoparticles supported on ATO for efficient   methanol oxidation reaction, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 19895-19902.

20. Cheng N , S.   Stambula, D. Wang, M. Banis, J. Liu, A. Riese, B. Xiao, R. Li, T.-K. Sham, L. Liu, G.   Botton and X. Sun, Platinum   Single-atom and Cluster Catalysis of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Nat. Commun., 2016,   7, 13638.

21. Cheng N, Shao Y, Liu J,   Sun X. "Electrocatalysts by atomic layer deposition for fuel cell   applications", Nano   Energy, 2016, 29, 220-242.

22. Cheng N, Norouzi Banis   M, Liu J, Riese A, Mu S, Li R, et al. Atomic scale enhancement of   metal–support interactions between Pt and ZrC for highly stable   electrocatalysts. Energy Environ. Sci., 2015. 8(5): 1450-1455.    

23. Cheng N, Banis MN, Liu   J, Riese A, Li X, Li R, et al. Extremely stable platinum nanoparticles   encapsulated in a zirconia nanocage by area-selective atomic layer deposition   for the oxygen reduction reaction. Adv Mater 2015, 27(2):   277-281.
